Reckless Driving Defense Attorney in Scottsdale

In Scottsdale, Arizona, the implications of being charged with reckless driving are far-reaching and not to be taken lightly. Arizona categorizes reckless driving as a criminal offense, and such a charge can lead to significant legal consequences, including potential jail time. Seeking the counsel and representation of an attorney well-versed in traffic violations is essential. Their expertise can be instrumental in devising a compelling defense strategy, possibly leading to reduced charges or even a dismissal. 

If you face a reckless driving charge in Scottsdale, Arizona, contacting an attorney is crucial. With over 14 years of legal practice, The Benikov Law Firm is well experienced in the intricacies of Arizona's traffic laws and the nuances of defending against a reckless driving charge. Our Law firm's experience stems from our dedication to clients from various backgrounds, ensuring that every defense is curated to each individual's unique circumstances. If you need strategic, attentive, and seasoned representation, don't hesitate to contact us and schedule your free consultation today.

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How Does Arizona Define Reckless Driving?

In Arizona, the regulations surrounding reckless driving are detailed in ARS § 28-693. This legal provision indicates that when a driver showcases a "reckless disregard to the safety of individuals or property," they engage in reckless driving. Interestingly, Arizona's Revised Statutes don't offer a clear-cut definition for "reckless disregard," leaving it to the discretion of the court – whether it be a judge or jury – to decide if a driver's conduct can be classified as criminally reckless.

"Recklessness" can be conceptualized as overlooking a pronounced and unjustifiable danger. A "reckless" behavior must contrast with an average driver's actions in identical circumstances, marking it as distinctly negligent.

Arizona's judicial system has provided some insight into the scope of reckless driving by validating convictions in cases that involved:

  1. Driving at dangerous speeds in pedestrian-heavy zones increases the risk of accidents.
  2. Defying road signs and driving counter to traffic either on a one-way street or main thoroughfares, posing a direct threat to others.
  3. Making unpredictable movements, such as dramatically swerving to avoid a pedestrian using a crosswalk legally.
  4. Using one's vehicle aggressively, intending to harass or provoke other road users or pedestrians.
  5. Adopting confrontational driving tactics like following another vehicle too closely or deliberately braking abruptly to unsettle the driver behind.

Arizona Reckless Driving Penalties

Reckless driving is a serious offense with significant consequences, especially in Arizona. It's crucial to understand the repercussions of such convictions, both for first-time offenders and those with prior driving-related offenses on their records.

For those found guilty of reckless driving for the first time, the law is clear and stern. A conviction for first-offense reckless driving is labeled as a Class 2 misdemeanor in Arizona. Such a designation brings a range of penalties that can deeply impact an individual's life. 

For a first-offense reckless driving conviction, a person could find themselves:

  • Serving a jail term that may last up to four months.
  • Enduring a probation period of up to two years, they'd be under regular scrutiny and required to adhere to specific guidelines or risk facing more severe consequences.
  • Paying hefty fines, which can amount to $750.
  • Experiencing a suspension of their driver's license that can last up to 90 days.

However, the severity of these consequences is markedly intensified if the convicted individual has a previous track record. Precisely, if there's a prior conviction for DUI, reckless driving, or even vehicular manslaughter within the preceding 24 months, the legal stance shifts drastically. Under these conditions, the reckless driving charge escalates to a Class 1 misdemeanor. 

For a second-offense reckless driving conviction, the penalties may occur:

  • A mandated jail term starts at a minimum of 20 days but can extend up to a daunting six months.
  • A substantial fine that can reach the sum of $2,500.
  • An extended probation period can span up to three years.
  • A one-year suspension of the driver's license prevents the individual from legally operating any vehicle.

Furthermore, irrespective of whether it's a person's first, second, or even third reckless driving conviction, there are additional ramifications to bear in mind. Every conviction means that points will be appended to the individual's driving record, potentially leading to increased insurance premiums and other related complications. Moreover, one's professional life may also be affected. The convicted individual will be obligated to disclose their criminal conviction to prospective employers, which could hinder job opportunities and career advancements.



Case Result: Client found not guilty after jury trial

Domestic Violence Assault

Case Result: Not guilty of all counts

Threatening and Intimidating

Case Result: All charges dismissed

Aggravated Assault

Case Result: Not Guilty on all counts

Child Endangerment

Case Result: All Charges Dismissed

Child Endangerment

Case Result: Not Guilty after trial.


Case Result: Given a plea to disorderly conduct and no jail.
Why Clients Choose Us

Contact A Reckless Driving Defense Attorney in Scottsdale

If you have been charged with reckless driving in Scottsdale, Arizona, it's crucial that you contact a criminal defense attorney. At The Benikov Law Firm, you'll be partnering with an attorney with over 14 years of litigation experience. You'll get direct contact with your attorney, who is determined to defend your rights.

Our firm serves the areas of Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, Glendale, Tempe, Chandler, and other locations around Arizona. If you or a loved one have been charged with a Domestic Violence charge in Arizona, please contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

Facing A Criminal Charge As A Professional?

In the realm of your profession, you've dedicated your life to excellence, commitment, and ethical standards. However, the unexpected can happen, and you find yourself facing a criminal charge. The journey ahead may seem uncertain, with potential consequences that could affect your career, reputation, and personal well-being.

At the Benikov Law Firm, we specialize in providing support, guidance, and strategic legal counsel to professionals navigating the complex world of criminal charges. Your dedication to your career deserves protection, and we are here to stand by your side, safeguarding your rights and helping you secure the best possible outcome. Don't navigate this challenging journey alone – reach out to us today for a confidential consultation, and let us be your dedicated advocate during these unforeseen times. Your future, both professionally and personally, is our priority.

5 Stars

Colin B.

A very intelligent and friendly, professional man to work with. He was hired in referral to me by a family member and all the great reviews are true! He worked hard for me on a case for a reasonable price and ended with the best possible outcome.

Thank you Alex
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Richard H.

He is a very confident and thorough lawyer and very helpful and knowledgeable, I would recommend him to anyone in need of legal advice and/or defense

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M V.

Outstanding character, exceptional legal knowledge of Arizona Law and a strong work ethic. Benikov Law will work tirelessly in their representation of their clients. I would never even consider another firm for any legal representation that I require.

5 Stars

Ryan S.

Very knowledgeable, professional and trustworthy, I wouldn't hesitate to get Benikov on my side!

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Dustin F.

Mr. Benikov is highly professional and understanding of his client's needs. I will continue to use his law firm for all of my legal matters.

5 Stars

Daniel R.

Mr. Benikov has always been exceptional at making himself available to answer any questions I’ve ever had with legal issues and never turns me away with even the smallest matters and I respect his genuine care for his clients!

5 Stars

Patricia K.

Mr. Benikov is always professional and will take care of your matters in a professional manner and I would recommend him to anyone. 5 stars!

5 Stars

Michael G.

Mr. Benikov helped me with a very complicated and dangerous case involving my daughter.   He was able to get the case dismissed, for which I'm eternally grateful.

5 Stars

Jody S.

Alex Benikov and his law firm are definitely my first call. He’s knowledgeable, responsive and is a good lawyer to have in your corner


Our Case Results

DUI Charges
Result: Reduced to Reckless Driving

Scottsdale City Court - Client had their charges of a Standard DUI reduced to Reckless Driving.

Assault & Trespassing
Result: Dismissed At Trial

Scottsdale City Court - Client was charged with assault and trespass. All charges were dismissed at the time of trial.

Drug DUI
Result: Reduced to Reckless Driving

Scottsdale City Court - Client was facing jail time. Charges were reduced to Reckless Driving with no jail time.

Criminal Defense Lawyer In Scottsdale

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The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Benikov Law Firm's legal team is licensed to practice law in Arizona. We invite you to contact us, but please be aware that contacting us does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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